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The Application of Cooperative Learning in Senior High School English Reading Teaching

English learning is one of the basic fields of education in China. English reading can test students’ English skills better. It is also an important part of English class in senior high school. Cooperative learning is a good mode of common progress and the embodiment of students' subjective view. Cooperative learning, which is one of the requirements of the New Curriculum Standard.

English learning four parts are organic, complementary, and not mutually exclusive. Listening and reading are the keys to understanding and mastering language. Understanding reading is an important basis for improving reading ability. Clear and accurate understanding, and accurate use and expression are key points in reading. The development of reading and expression ability can promote mutual understanding between teachers and students, and also promote the development of students. The training of students' English articles is very consistent with the current reading situation of Chinese students. Reading ability is the important foundation of language skill training, and it is also a self-learning ability. Therefore, it is very important to improve students' reading ability.

In English teaching in senior high schools, many teachers have tried their best to explain the article. It may make students think that reading is the process of memorizing language points in one-sided way, but it is not enough to explain the construction of the whole thought of the article. Under this teaching mode, the teacher does not give full play to the main position of the students in the study, the students' learning that to development of thinking ability and the improvement of English level does not achieve. As a result, there is no time to pay attention to reading. Some teachers pay attention to the meaning of language input and increase the input of reading materials in ordinary reading teaching, but in practice suppressed.

The college entrance examination is the baton of English teaching in senior high school. The selection and proposition direction of the college entrance examination's true questions have a good guiding effect on English reading teaching. The English reform of college entrance examination has always been a subject of continuous exploration and research in the foreign language circle of middle schools.College entrance examination reading comprehension materials all come from real life. Almost all of the reading materials are directly selected from the foreign media, maintaining the pure and authentic language, the original characteristics, especially the implementation of the new subject of the province, the difficulty of reading and the charm of language reflect this feature. There are no shortcuts to teaching reading. Practicing so-called problem solving techniques is opportunistic and cannot help students improve their reading comprehension in essence. 

As we all know, in the practice of English classroom teaching for a long time, there are many problems such as large class size, tight time and heavy teaching task of new teaching materials. However, some organization forms provided by teachers' teaching books often fail to make each student really participate in the activities, so that the teaching cannot really face all the students. Classroom teaching is dominated by "teacher speaking, listening to students" and "teacher asking, Student answering", which is a single and one-way rigid teaching method, and neglects the process of student participation. The final purpose of reading course is to cultivate students' really understanding the skills of reading. Moreover, the reading subject matter is extensive, the information is large, and the traditional teaching mode often causes the students to feel boring, monotonous, and lowers the student's learning interesting.

The new curriculum standards emphasize that students should be guided to establish a learning style characterized by "active participation, pleasure and inquiry, communication and cooperation". Students have received unprecedented attention, cooperative learning has been strongly advocated, and teachers have begun to try to use cooperative learning, classroom layout, and classroom atmosphere to make us fresh.

A new round of curriculum reform has been carried out for many years and is being rolled out all over the country. New curriculum reform lets the classroom full of passion and vitality; new curriculum reform makes classroom teaching more exciting. The learning style of independent inquiry and cooperative communication is gradually becoming the bright spot of classroom teaching. But in the actual teaching process, there are still some misunderstandings.

When some teachers carry out cooperative learning in teaching, they only use it as a necessary procedure in teaching, regardless of whether the problem is inquiry or not, bring all the questions to the group cooperation, and often appear on the surface of the classroom very lively. In fact, students basically stay on the level of independent learning, without real discussion and cooperation, without giving full play to the advantages of group cooperation; their learning results can not fully represent the level of the group. When some students have finished expressing their opinions, they often fail to discuss the views of the other members of the group, so the discussion can not be deepened. The above phenomena only pay attention to the form of cooperative learning, but not to cooperative learning. The effectiveness of the cooperative learning formalization, float on the surface. In the process of carrying out cooperative learning, teachers often only want the answer of the problem, not the process of solving the problem, are only satisfied with the solution of the predetermined problem, do not encourage the new question to put forward, limit only to the standard answer, do not accept the multi-solution of the question; Praise only the spokesman of the group, not praise the crystallization of collective wisdom. When we study cooperative learning, we think that cooperative learning is based on the achievement of the group as the evaluation standard, which is undoubtedly correct; but this may lead teachers implementing cooperative learning to a misconception: when teaching, teachers tend to put too much evaluation and reward on the group as a whole, from ignore the individual development.

In the form of group cooperative learning, it is the need of quality education and future work. Therefore, in classroom teaching, teachers should actively adopt the form of cooperative learning, constantly improve the method of cooperative learning, so that students can learn to cooperate, love cooperation, and cultivate students' sense of cooperation and team spirit. In addition, teachers should also give students more choices, and do not fall into the view that "cooperative learning", "inquiry learning" and "modern educational technology" are not good classes without the use of "modern educational technology". Teachers should pay attention to the differences of students' personality, and don't use perfection. The lack of answers is the only criterion of the evaluation results, but according to the students' answers, it is necessary to analyze the positive factors, and then help to propose the correction methods. There are many differences in human being. There are obvious differences in the way and speed of acquiring knowledge, which determines that there are obvious differences in learning results. To this end, teachers should have a reasonable evaluation of the "horizontal line", not only pay attention to the overall group, but also pay attention to the personality of the students. Cooperation is not a form of obedience, but a mutual recognition and mutual acceptance. Let students think about the problem independently before cooperative learning, and each student has a preliminary idea before he or she probes into it. Believe that each student has his or her own merits and that it is much better to share the benefits of each person's wisdom than a so-called good student's "arbitrariness". As long as the students make a little progress on the basis of the original, even if it is hidden, they should also give praise and encouragement to them, so that they can fully experience the joys of cooperation and enjoy the joy of success. According to the specific problems, we should adopt the step-by-step positive method to carry on the evaluation, the description of the evaluation result, should adopt the encouraging language, and give full play to the incentive function of the evaluation.

Cooperative learning is an important way for students to learn under the new curriculum concept. Effective cooperative learning can awaken students' sleeping potential, activate the sealed memory, open closed mind. (刘燕,2012)Under the new curriculum environment, teachers must make an environment suitable for students to carry out cooperative learning, call for the re-positioning of teachers' roles, and always grasp the main thread of student development. Our classroom teaching can radiate life.

The implementation of group cooperative learning in reading class teaching can play a very good effect, and is welcomed by the students. It can reduce the difficulty of reading, improve the wide range of students' participation, stimulate students' interest in reading, but in practice, I have also found some problems: for example, the English class of group cooperative learning is sometimes noisy and the students' participation is uneven, which makes the learning cooperation become formalistic and unable to achieve its proper effect; The improper timing of group cooperative learning leads students to be ill-prepared and unable to start after asking questions, and the classroom is silent for a long time. So in my opinion, to enhance the effectiveness of group cooperative learning, first of all, we should seize the opportunity of group cooperative learning, choose valuable content and topics of interest according to the teaching content, students' actual situation and teaching environment conditions, and so on. Favorable time and appropriate number of times for students are carrying out cooperative learning. Teachers' evaluation plays a very important role in encouraging students. Therefore, teachers' evaluation must have encouragement, pertinence, guidance and comprehensiveness.

Cooperative learning will become an important form of classroom organization for English teachers, but in order to make it play its greatest role, it still depends on the teachers to make a deeper discussion, attempt and research on classroom cooperative learning activities, in order to reduce the low efficiency in the process of student cooperation. It has been proved in practice that the application embodies the comprehensiveness of English learning four parts--listening, speaking, reading and writing training and the comprehensiveness and communication of language knowledge.

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